UNIT-02 (Lecture-13) As per S.B.T.E. Syllabus, Bihar
Dear Reader, this exclusive notes is prepared based on the State Board of Technical Education (SBTE) syllabus for polytechnic students. In this exclusive notes I clearly covered the Agile Model and their Phases with proper point-wise explanation. This notes explained about the core values and principles of Agile Model on which it is working for the development of software in SDLC. This point-wise lecture notes have the pictorial representation of Agile Model Phases and comparisons with Waterfall Model. I also clearly explained about the Advantages and Disadvantages of Agile Model. When to use this model are also explained in this notes as a Application part.
Some related concepts covered in this exclusives notes are:
1. Definition & Introduction of Agile Model
2. Phases of Agile Model
3. Core Values & Principles of Agile Model
4. When to use Agile Model?
5. Strength & Weakness of Agile Model
6. Comparisons between Agile Model and Waterfall Model
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