UNIT-04 (Lecture-23) As per S.B.T.E. Syllabus, Bihar
Dear Reader, this exclusive notes are prepared based on the State Board of Technical Education (SBTE) syllabus for polytechnic students. In this notes I covered the concept of Coding Standards & Guidelines in details. What are Coding Standards & Purposes of having Coding Standards explained in point-wise for your better understanding. Goal of Coding Standards & Coding Convention also discussed in this lecture. Applications and Rules of Coding Standards are explained briefly in point-wise. Advantages & Disadvantages of Coding Standards clearly explained in this notes for your reference.
Some related concepts covered in this lecture are:
1. Concept of Coding Standards & Guidelines
2. Goal of Coding Standards
3. Purposes of having Coding Standards
4. Applications of Coding Standards
5. Need & Rules of Coding Standards
6. Concept of Coding Conventions
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