SE-Unit-02 (Lecture-12)


UNIT-02 (Lecture-12) As per S.B.T.E. Syllabus, Bihar

Dear Reader, this lecture is prepared based on the State Board of Technical Education (SBTE) syllabus for diploma course. This lecture will provide exclusive notes and study materials for diploma students about Big Bang Model in Software Development Life Cyclic (SDLC). In this lecture I clearly covered about the Big Bang Model with graphical representation. Here you will get the different Phases of Big Bang Model and their descriptions in points wise. Strength & Weakness along with Applications of Big Bang Model also covered in this lecture. You will also get the comparison between Big Bang Model & Waterfall Model in points wise. Hence, this lecture will provide complete knowledge about Big Bang Model of SDLC.   

Some related concepts covered in this lecture are:

1. Introduction & Definition of Big Bang Model
2. Phases of Big Bang Model
3. Advantages & Disadvantages of Big Bang Model
4. Applications of Big Bang Model
5. Strength & Weakness of Big Bang Model 
6. Comparison between Waterfall & Big Bang Model

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