UNIT-03 (Lecture-20) As per S.B.T.E. Syllabus, Bihar
Dear Reader, this exclusive notes are prepared based on the State Board of Technical Education (SBTE) syllabus for polytechnic students. In this notes I explained about the concepts of Constants, Literals & Precedence and their implementation in C Language with the help of examples. This lecture gave clear difference between Constants & Literals in point-wise. I also explained about How to use the concept of Precedence & Associativity, if two or more operators of same precedence present in the expression. Operators Precedence & Associativity are clearly explained with the help of real time examples. Finally, I talk about the Assignment Statement with the help of example.
Some related concept covered in this lecture are:
1. Concept of Constants
2. Definition of Literals & similarity between Constants & Literals
3. Concept of Precedence & Associativity in C Language
4. Explained about when two or more operators of same precedence in the expression?
5. Assignment Statement and Its Implementation with example
6. More examples of solving using Precedence & Associativity concept.
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