C-UNIT-04 (Lecture-25)


UNIT-04 (Lecture-25) As per S.B.T.E. Syllabus, Bihar

Dear Reader, this exclusive notes are prepared based on the State Board of Technical Education (SBTE) syllabus for polytechnic students. In this exclusive notes I clearly explained about the concept of Relational Operators. There are several Relation Operators are < Less than, <= Less than or Equal to, > Greater than, >= Greater than or Equal to, == is Equal to and != is Not Equal to are clearly explained and implemented in C Programming. Finally I covered practices with Relational Operators and Structure of Relational Operators.

Some related concepts are covered in this exclusive notes are:

1. Concept of Relational Operators
2. Structure of Relational Operator
3. Types of Relational Operators
4. Explanation of each Relational Operator
5. Practices with Relational Operators
6. Implementation of Relational Operator in C Programming

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